For men living in sin and addiction, the weight of the world and its temptations can make life seem like an endless cycle of hopelessness. When programs are available for those struggling, it brings a sense of hope and restoration. It’s so amazing to see men chained to their sin find freedom in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Over time, the Lord does a mighty work to grow these men spiritually and reveal the peace that only walking close with Him can bring.
Though this process is beautiful when it occurs, many times it can be short-lived. Frequently when men leave these programs, they have no choice but to return to the same neighborhoods they came from to try living out this newfound relationship in Christ. While the power to overcome the world and sin are found in Christ, learning to walk with Him in a hectic environment can lead to many distractions that cause men to stumble and fall away from the freedom that has been given to them and back to their old way of living. It’s very heartbreaking to see the Lord restore a life, only to watch what has been sown get choked away.
Our goal at Latter Glory House is to offer a residence for men coming out of residential faith-based programs to transition back into everyday life. Here we plan to help men find jobs and a home church to serve in while they save money to pay off any debts accumulated from their previous way of life. It is our hope that by providing a place to live and a sense of accountability, men can grow their roots in discipleship and build a stronger foundation to serve Christ in society. What sets Latter Glory House apart from other halfway and transitional homes is that those coming to Latter Glory House will be men who have already completed residential faith-based programs. The focus will be to sustain and harness the growth the men have already experienced while introducing them into the workforce and a local church body.